Our Services
Sewer / Wastewater
Gall Brothers General Engineering, Inc. has successfully completed some of the most challenging and impressive sewer / wastewater projects in the industry. Projects include lateral piping and transmission mains, sewer pump stations, sewage treatment facilities, gravity and force main systems, lift stations as well as jack & boring major highways, freeways and railroads. Gall Brothers has installed gravity flow sewers from 4” to 36” vitrified clay pipe, t-lock lined reinforced concrete pipe and manholes as wells as ductile iron and polyvinyl chloride force mains from 4” to 12”.

Domestic and Reclaimed Water
We have also successfully completed some of the most challenging and impressive water construction projects in the industry. Our projects include domestic and reclaimed mainline piping for housing developments, commercial complexes, public works, hospitals and airports. We have also installed large transmission mains for public agencies from 12” to 48” welded steel pipe as well as pump stations, pressure reducing stations, chlorination stations, backflow preventers from 1” to 12”, compound meters and vaults as well as hot taps and tie ins.
Storm Drain
We have the capabilities to construct a wide range of storm drain piping projects in both public and private works. Our installations include multi-million dollar projects ranging from 6-inch lateral piping all the way to 120” reinforced concrete pipe, gravity and force mains. We pride ourselves as one of the few contractors that have the capabilities to construct an entire storm drain system in house; including all associated items of work such as manholes, catch basins, outlet and energy dissipater structures, box culverts, transition structures, squash boxes, flatwork and masonry work.

Dry Utilities (Electrical/Telephone/Cable TV and Gas)
As part of our power and communication conduit system installations our capabilities include conduit systems ranging from the placement of a single conduit to twenty or more conduits in the same trench or joint trench, manhole and vault placement, monolithic manholes, manhole rebuilds and replacements, controlled environmental vaults, cable trench, and direct-buried cable placement, installation of transformer pads, pull boxes, hand holes and fiber optic hubs as well as installing street lighting foundations and street lighting. Gall Brothers has also done numerous telephone, electrical and gas main relocations for public utility districts. We are also qualified to perform joint trenching and have the ability to handle all of your power and communication conduit system needs.
Concrete Structures
Gall Brothers has the expertise and ability to construct a wide variety of concrete facilities ranging from flatwork to structural. We are able to provide a wide variety of concrete work from Bond Exoneration work (Sidewalks, Curb & Gutters and Miscellaneous Concrete Repairs) as well as storm drain structures ranging from catch basins, Manholes, outlet structures, open channels for domestic water conveyance and storm water systems, retention basins and reinforced concrete box culverts.

Mechanical Piping
Gall Brothers General Engineering, Inc. has also constructed numerous water/wastewater and storm water mechanical piping systems such as sewer and storm water lift stations, domestic water pump stations, chlorination stations and pressure reducing stations systems.
Gall Brothers General Engineering, Inc. has the knowledge and experience to install all facets of required shoring to provide a safe working environment for our employees and client’s needs. Our capabilities include shoring of trenches and pits in areas including those contending with massive dewatering efforts, sandy soils, bedrock, and very constricted work environments. We have utilized hydraulic shores, screw jacks, slide rail system, trench boxes, manhole boxes, z-shores, beam and plate and sheet pile systems. We have successfully shored massive pits as well as trenches ranging from 2 feet wide to 12 feet wide and ranging in depths from a 2 feet deep to 22 feet deep. All of our employees are certified in trench safety and have completed the NUCA Excavation Safety & Competent Person Training Program.